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and I never make a promise that I can't keep.

I said that I would blog everyday in Sept - and here I am! This is technically the Sept. 1st blog ( even though it's posting Sept. 2nd). I've made some huge choices lately...some of which even the closest people to me are unaware of. It's not that I don't trust & love them with everything inside of me...sometimes, you just need to go something alone - even if just for a little while. One choice I don't mind sharing...and I encourage & challenge everyone reading this to try it out - FOLLOW YOUR HEART. not just in love.. in everything ...and make the choices that will change .your. life - no matter how scary they seem now.
Recent posts

shame on me - no, shame on you.

"If someone tells you who they are, believe them." Maya Angelou I don't think I've fully embraced that quote until now. A person is always going to present who they are & what they're about - and sometimes, they don't even realize it. It can be in a joke..or maybe a story told about another person. Somehow, someway - they let you know EXACTLY where they stand. I can be honestly enough and say that I have gotten caught up.. I have found myself believing that my bullshit meter is in working order and that NOTHING can get past me. Yeah- THAT didn't work out so well. So, here I sit...writing this blog with a heavy heart & confused spirit. I have a bad habit of wanting to rescue people..and somewhere along the way, I forget to save the most important person - me. I give people way too many chances...way too many opportunities to mistreat & destroy my heart. I put their feelings & wants before my own - and even when they quack LOUD as day, I ref

...untitled for a reason...

And you taught me what this feels like. And then how it feels to lose it. And you showed me who I wanted. And then who I wasn’t. And you ticked every box. And then drew a line. And you weren’t mine to begin with. And then not to end with. And you looked like everything I wanted. And then became something I hated. And you get thought of every day. And then not in a good way. And you let me leave. And then wish I’d stayed. And you almost killed me. But I didn’t die.
Oh, sweet blog - how I've neglected thee. :( I have a great reason tho - LIFE . I found was buried under some of my Vans, like 2 Coach bags & an old swiss roll (go figure) *smile* But - I do need to blog. So here's my promise. Starting Sept. 1st, I will blog EVERYDAY - even if it's just one word/sentence. I have so much to say, but I need to sort my thoughts out.. I should have it done by then. xoxo

love isn't about perfection.

it’s about imperfection and flaws and mistakes. it’s about the mess. love is an emotional train wreck, but i want the mess . i want the train wreck. there will be days when we are so tired of each other, when we want to throw in the towel and be done with it. there will be days when i want to wring your neck and you want to pull your hair out. sometimes i will drive you crazy, and sometimes you will annoy me to no end. we will fight and we will be frustrated. but we will also laugh and laugh and laugh. we’ll act like kids and have fun and never grow up. we will be enslaved by our passion for life and for each other . we’ll stay up late and talk about everything that makes us tick and all the things we wake up for. we’ll eat dessert first and kiss each other unexpectedly. we will explore new places and fall asleep together. fair warning— i hog the covers and i like to cuddle and sometimes i snore. i will entwine my legs with yours and we’ll dream tangled in each other. i

[insert clever title here]

Yeah I know - I've been gone. I don't know... I think when I have too many things going on in my head, I retreat. yeah...that sounds about right. Anyway, I have a headache - and I don't feel like getting into a long thing about why. I did wanna post something, tho.. so here it is. Have a good night, lovelies xoxo It’s not okay that you hurt me, but I am okay. I deserve more, and I know that now. And maybe you knew that inside, that you couldn’t give me that yet. So you set me free. We would’ve been so great, you would never have wished for more than I would’ve given you. But you never gave it a chance. So now you’ll never know what could’ve been. Maybe someday you’ll regret it, maybe someday you’ll think it was the best decision you ever made, but maybe someday you’ll see me walking, smiling and happy, alongside someone who’s also smiling and happy because they has my heart. Maybe then you’ll stop and realize what you’re missing, because someday, someone is going to thank


Sorry I went missing - I've actually been living life. ...and it's been good *smile* Soooo.. I'll try & update later on this week. xoxo